Thursday, October 30, 2008

Obviously no one liked it!

So, my blog poll was a bust. No one answered my questions except Dave Hilden - whose snide remark was "John McCain". I decided that I can't be friends with him anymore because of it. (P.s. I am totally kidding :) )

The only reason I asked the blog world what they think makes up a good and decent person is because my middle sister seems to think I am biased when it comes to what makes a good person. I was going to compare my thoughts to what others think - and I am pretty sure I will be able to prove her wrong. However,er the answer "John McCain" doesn't really help me out.

Speaking of John McCain - it makes me think of the election. I am so stinking sick of all the political ads on TV and the radio. It is a little ridiculous. I can not wait until November 4th. Please everyone, do you civic duty and get out there and vote!

1 comment:

The Beals said...

I KNOW!!! Last night a political campaigner called my on my CELL PHONE! MY CELL PHONE!!! That's redonkulous. That's right!!! Re-Donk-u-lous!

Mama Beal